Other ways to Donate
QR Code:
Use your phone's Camera to scan the QR Code below

Text the word AAGW to (202) 858-1233 to donate to AAGW by phone
Send us a check:
2412 N Quantico St.
Arlington, VA 22207 USA
Tax Deductible
AAGW is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
All donors will receive a tax-deductible receipt. Since AAGW is a primarily volunteer-run organization, our low overhead costs ensure that donations go directly to survivors and their children.
Your gift has direct, immediate impact.

Looking for a great gift for your friend or loved one? Consider giving the gift of generosity. Purchase a gift certificate from Charity Gift Certificates.
CharityChoice gifts are donations that you make on another's behalf.
The recipient receives a gift card, which empowers them to "spend" on the charity of their choice.
Your loved one will receive a card with a credit card inside in an amount of your choice. He/she will have the opportunity to donate that amount to AAGW or another charity of choice.
Used Smartphone Donation Program
Donate your used smartphone to a sex trafficking survivor to provide access to a 24/7 safety hotline. Please make sure your phone is fully wiped and unlocked before donating. Contact info@aagw.org to donate.