Our Mission:
To empower sex trafficking and domestic violence survivors in Albania as they overcome trauma, transition out of a shelter, and support themselves independently.
AAGW (Association of Albanian Girls and Women) was founded and named by sex trafficking survivors in 2003 and provides educational, emotional, and vocational support to sex trafficking and domestic violence survivors in Albania. Our individualized, survivor-centered approach equips women to transition successfully from a shelter to independent life. We work closely with our partner organization in Tirana, D & E (Different & Equal) to provide a wide range of services, and our collaborative programs include life skills education, counseling, art therapy, childcare, mentor support, and job placement.
Since we are primarily a volunteer-run organization, our low overhead costs ensure that nearly all donations go directly to support survivors and their children. Your contribution has a direct, immediate impact.
Everyone deserves to live with safety, dignity, and respect. In our twenty years, we’ve helped to change the lives of over 600 women, but we would do it all just for one.

“We believe we were victims but are victims no longer; we are better than before.”

Our Vision:
A world without sexual violence, exploitation, or trafficking.